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    31 * mommy to 3 * wife * avid volunteer * crafter * swapper * office manager/wedding assistant

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RFL needs your talents!


I’m volunteering for Relay For Life Long Beach, and I’ve been given the honor of making the Survivor Goody Bags. So I’m looking for a few people who are willing to donate some of their talents!

#1 I’m making 50-75 bags. So I need items to put in there!
Spa items
Etc etc etc
Anything that can be used to pamper them.

#2 I need 3 centerpieces. Floral, anything decorative.

If you can help us out, please email me at heathercrownelson{at}gmail{dot}com to discuss details.

The event is July 30, so it’s coming up soon. THANK YOU!

Kids #Craft and #Charity Corner: Coming To The #LongBeach Sunday Market!

COMING AUGUST 1: Kids Kraft Korner!

Starting on August 1, Brianne’s Basics will be hosting a Kids Kraft Korner at the Long Beach Sunday Market.

Every first Sunday, the Market has an Arts Theme. So for our kick-off event, we’re having the kids make Summer Journals, which are pretty  cute and easy. We’re asking all the kids to bring photos and mementos to make the books. We’re also taking pictures for them to put in the books.

We’re also kicking off monthly charity drives! For August 1, we’re collecting both school supplies and items for the  troops, benefitting Love In The Mirror and Soldier’s Angels. (To see exactly what we’re collecting, click on the links). Each month, we’ll have a different theme and we’ll be collecting different items.

Each craft is a $1-2 donation, depending on the craft.

I am very very excited to be taking on this project for this awesome Sunday Market! It’s a very family-centric place. I have  three kids, and I obviously do a ton of charity work. They say charity  begins at home. So I’m trying to do more in the Long Beach area.

I was also inspired by Kids Are Heroes. Kids can change the world, one event at a time.

If you’d like more information on sponsoring a craft, or having us collect items for your charity, please contact Heather at heathercrownelson {at} gmail.com

Unique recycled toys!

Kaylee is lately obsessed with DVD cases LOL She takes the discs out, lays them next to her, then proceeds to take out the cover art. We’re lucky she hasn’t ruined any discs!

We tried to think of an alternative, tried to distract her with CD cases, no luck. Then I remembered Lisa at the LB Depot For Creative Reuse had DVD cases! So I stopped by today and bought two for her. I got home, gave them to Kaylee, and she was in HEAVEN! Toddler playtime heaven!

When you’re a mom of 3, you gotta get creative 🙂


Today’s @CreativeReuse Finds!

More goodies @ LB Depot For Creative Reuse today!

Got Lamali Lokta paper notebooks.

“For centuries, the people of Nepal and Tibet have inscribed their legal, historical and religious texts on this very same paper.

…..Made from the lokta plant, an unassuming shrub with the ability to regenerate every six years, lokta paper is still produced using time-honored methods passed down from generation to generation.

…..Every step in the production process is done by hand: from the harvesting of the long, sturdy fibers to the careful binding of every journal. Each resulting item is a piece of art, combining elegant design with a rustic yet soft look and feel.”

image image

I also got a new journal. Very Indian inspired. Gold, elephants, etc. Gorgeous.


Lastly I picked up an order from Merry Blues Art. Two upcycled notebooks 🙂 I do love The Depot!


@briannesbasics NEW logo!

Brianne’s Basics now has a new logo. I wanted something cute, fun, and angelic. I’m big on angels. I fully believe that we all have guardian angels, guiding us to where we need to be and what we need to do.

So I chose this logo. It’s everything I wanted, and every time I look at it, I smile. That counts for something!

EXCITING #blog developments!

We now have a blog button. How cool is that?! So if you’d like to link back to our blog, go for it! Just leave a comment, grab the graphic, & link it back here to https://heatherinsocal.wordpress.com

Thanks for the support!



I love charm bracelets. Everyone who knows me, knows this. I have 2 full bracelets and a charm necklace! But I don’t always like to wear my bracelet while I’m out and about. Which is where I came up with the idea of purse charms!

These are a perfect way to dress up your purse, backpack, even keychain.

We have a few different styles:
* Faith (angel wing, angel, & prayer box)
* Craft (“Stitch”, thread spool, “Made With Love”)
* Mom (angel wing, picture frame, “Mom” heart)
* Nature (bone feather, stone flower, quartz heart)
* Breast Cancer (“Hope”, rhinestone pink ribbon, “Courage”)
* Butterflies (large butterfly, dragonfly, small butterfly)
* Fantasy (dragon, fairy, feather)

All of these are $3 each. I do have other charms, so I can make you a personalized one, no additional charge!

For more info, please email me at 4briannesbasics@gmail.com

#Support The #Troops: The #Craft Way!

We had a few items out today to raise funds for our adopted soldier from Soldier’s Angels. Our best seller was the foam yellow ribbons! One lady bought 5 to put on her fridge, tree, & desk LOL We raised a few dollars, so we’ll be using that to shop for items for our soldier. We’re sending him a box in a few weeks, so hopefully we can raise even more next week!

#LongBeach Sunday Market

Today, we were a last minute addition to the Long Beach Sunday Market @ Longfellow Elementary in California Heights. I’ve been to the Market quite a few times. Justina from Shortnin Bread is there nearly every week, and Charlene has a booth for the LB Depot For Creative Reuse.

I had a FABULOUS time! It’s a nice market, very family friendly atmosphere. I met lots of great people, some of whom are donating to us!

We were invited to come back next week, July 18. There’s going to be a Pie Contest, Live Jazz Band, & more. Looks for us near the picnic benches!

To learn more about Brianne’s Basics, go to http://briannesbasics.webs.com

To learn more about the Sunday Market, go to http://www.longbeachsundaymarket.com

ANNOUNCING: Brianne’s Bridal Basics

Our Etsy store dedicated to charity party favors is now open!

How does it work? First off, you’d contact me at 4briannesbasics@gmail.com and tell me what type of party you’re planning. A wedding, a kid’s party, etc. You and I would design a simple and cute party favor. Each one would also have an awareness ribbon charm and/or awareness color ribbon. You’d also receive signs suitable for framing and displaying at the party saying something to the effect of “We have chosen to give $1 per guest to Kids Are Heroes. We invite you to learn more about this wonderful organization. Thank you for your support.”, etc.

Please visit our new store at http://bridalbasics.etsy.com